Warheads All Blue Raspberry Cubes - 3.5oz

Regular price $2.59 USD

This Warheads Candy is very chewy...and sour!

Chase those blues away with what else but some sour candy! The Warheads All Blue Raspberry Cubes are ready to wage war on those sour cravings!

These cube-shaped candies are filled with an intense blue raspberry flavor. This Warheads Candy is bursting with a shrill and sour-tasting sting.
Made with an ultra-chewy texture so you can chew your way through the sourness, well, if you can take it!
Warheads Candy has been crushing our sour candy cravings since 1993. Offering a taste of sourness in a variety of different candies.
Experience that sour candy cringe! With the Warheads All Blue Raspberry Cubes!