Nerds Gummy Clusters - 5oz

Regular price $3.19 USD

Treat Your Taste Buds with Nerds Gummy Clusters

If you’ve never had Nerds Gummy Clusters then you don’t know what you’re missing out on! These gummy candies are made of a sweet gummy center and covered in original Nerds candy. The first bite of the Nerds gummy candy will have you chewing and smiling through the sweetness! Your taste buds will experience a whirlwind of flavors and textures that will get them hooked on these gummy candies. The best part about the gummy clusters is that they are coated in different flavors of Nerds candy, so you can enjoy every fruity flavor within one crave-worthy bite! Enjoy these super sweet treats on your own or share the sensational experience with your friends.  

5oz (141g) 

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