Lil' Nitro-World's Hottest Gummy Bear

Regular price $10.39 USD

It’s The World's Hottest Gummy Bear!

Prepare your taste buds! Journey into the realm of extreme heat with Lil' Nitro, the world's hottest gummy bear. This tiny but mighty gummy bear is not for the faint of heart. With a Scoville rating that packs a punch, each bite delivers an intense and lingering heat that builds with every chew.

Don't be fooled by Lil' Nitro's small size. This petite gummy bear may look innocent, but it harbors an inferno of heat! Whether you approach it with caution or dive in headfirst, Lil' Nitro promises a memorable spice adventure.

  • Consume at your own risk and handle with extreme caution!
  • Keep away from young children and pets
  • Made in the USA

0.1 oz (3g)